Emily Fernwood: Osa Major Wines

Muwekma (Ohlone), Confederated Villages of Lisjan, Ohlone land - Oakland, California

osamajorwines.com, @osamajorwines

Osa Major Wines is a one woman enterprise - from trucking grapes to selling bottles and everything in between.  Winemaker and owner Emily Fernwood spent the years after college traveling and working harvest gigs the world over, from California and Oregon to Australia and New Zealand, until founding Osa Major Wines in 2020.
 As a Bay Area native, the time felt right to return home and explore the incredible variety of geology and history that can be found in the vineyards in some of our state's unique known and lesser known wine regions, while crafting wines that explore a lighter and brighter side of California winemaking.

Social Justice and Environmental Restoration Statement

Osa Major Wines is born from a belief in a world where sustainability and equity go hand in hand, and our practices reflect this commitment.  From vine to bottle, we prioritize environmentally friendly viticulture and winemaking processes. Our vineyards embrace organic and biodynamic principles, respecting the land and promoting biodiversity. We strive to minimize our carbon footprint, employing eco-friendly packaging and reducing waste wherever possible, and putting the health of the planet and our bodies first.  Beyond environmental efforts, we are active supporters of social justice causes, ensuring fair wages and ethical working conditions for all involved in our winemaking journey.  By uplifting diversity and inclusivity, we recognize that a united and equitable community is essential for a better future in our industry at large.