Sara Pérez: Mas Martinet

Terra Alta, Catalonia Spain, @masmartinet

In 1981, Mas Martinet, a life project and a dream come true, was born. The whole family involved in the project, along with a great team (not because of the number of people, but because of their humanity), turned Mas Martinet into a sustainable, humane, and drinkable project.

We recover some varieties and reinvent some processes and materials under the principles of agroecology and minimum intervention with the maximum respect for the people who work on it. We stand up for an ecofeminist and cross-cutting view of the world.

Certified as organic farming by CCPAE in 2009, hand-harvested as it can be done in no other way in the Priorat area. Native fermentation, with respect for natural processes and times they need. No SO2 added in our wines or, if needed, just add before the bottling process; assuring the lowest levels (check it in the analyses provided).

We work the crops in an environmentally friendly way, being as respectful as possible with the processes. We grow leguminous plants, and we recover wild varieties of flowers and shrubs. We base on the lunar calendar to optimise the natural treatments that we use in the vineyard, such as compost and herbal infusions. Small gestures to obtain wines which are faithful to their plot by actively contributing to the balance of our farming systems.

As for Corporate Social Responsibility is concerned. We are working in different areas.

Labour practices guarantee employees’ rights and safety. Salaries are a level higher than those agreed by labour agreements in our sector, as well as work conditions. In equality and conciliation, actions focused mainly on reconciling work and personal life adapting schedules of different employees to their needs depending on the family and personal conditions.

Quality of working conditions is also watched by participation and communication between different levels of the company stand out. Opening channels of communication between all parties that they work there, like scheduled team meetings.

Health and safety are watched by an external company. Efforts are focused in reducing the risk of accidents by training and safety rules that must be followed in different workplaces. In the environmental field, most actions are focused on recycling and waste reduction of all residues caused by the winery activities.